Happy Mother’s Day!

The tradition of honoring mothers, and mother figures, has been around for centuries! While the honoring of mothers has been around for a long time, the holiday we all know today started in 1907. It was spearheaded by a woman named Anna Jarvis. Jarvis wanted to honor her late mother’s efforts in fostering support and friendship with fellow women. While Jarvis’ efforts gained great popularity, it wasn’t until 1914 that President Wilson made it a federal holiday.

Charley Harper was keen to emphasize the great love parents have for their children. Many of Harper’s work depict parents supporting their young. Here are some beautiful highlights to show Charley’s admiration for the effort mothers give to their children. Make sure to give your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and friends some extra love and support today! Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at Fabulous Frames & Art!


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